Don't forget about this week's giveaway for three flower clips! Click here to find out more
Speaking of hair accessories..

I had a good amount of felt hanging around and thought it might be nice to create some headbands from it. This project was very easy and not very expensive either. Below are the materials you will need:
- Ribbon (the length you need will be about three inches less than the circumference of your child's head)
- A very small amount of felt
- 1/2 inch elastic
- Hot glue gun and hot glue
First you will need to measure the circumference of your child's head (or your head if you're making one for yourself!) The length of ribbon that you'll need will be about three inches less than the total circumference For example, if your daughter's head measures to be 20 inches in circumference, you'll need a 17 inch piece of ribbon.
Once you've cut your ribbon you will need to fold the ends over just barely and hot glue them, this way your ends won't be visible and there won't be any fraying. The picture below shows what the ribbon will look like with the edge folded over and glued down.
Next you are going to cut your elastic. You want the elastic to be three inches in length to make up for the difference in the length of the ribbon.
Once your elastic is cut, glue it onto each end of the ribbon, creating a circle.
Now you have a headband!
For the flower, cut a strip of felt that is about 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. (You can really get creative here and make longer or shorter ones that vary in width so that you get a few different sizes)
Fold your felt in half and make tiny cuts along the entire length. You can either make your cuts along the open side as seen in the picture below, or along the closed side. Both result in cute flowers that look slightly different.
Finally you're going to roll your strip of felt up, hot gluing ever so often to make sure it stays in place.
When you reach the end, hot glue the end piece so that it stays in place and then glue your flower onto your headband. Below is the end result.
As you can see it works on babies with or without hair :)
What a great tutorial! I would love to have you come share some of your great ideas at the link party on ‘Or so she says…' There’s one going on right now (and every Saturday – Tuesday). We’ve also got a fun “Favorite Things” giveaway going on right now. Hope to see you there!